About BizLabs
אודות התוכנית

About BizLabs Medtech Program
BizLabs Medtech is a program for founders of Haredi healthtech startups. The medtech program is designed for 6-7 startups in each cycle, who, for 5 months, receive full services, access to the Wolfson Medical Center & multinationals corporations, professional workshops and an investor forum. The goal of the program is to improve the success rate of startups with Haredi founders and to grow sustainable healthtech companies.
Our vision is to be the leading platform in Israel to promote healthtech companies in the Haredi community.
Our mission is to scale Medtech Haredi startups, The program is fully subsidized and we take no equity.

Advisory Committee
The program is fully subsidized
and we do not take Equity
Industry Partners

לתנאי ההרשמה והגשת מועמדות